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Todas as traduções - remasms

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10Idioma de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".10
Turco slm ama dilini bilmediğim için ne yazdığını...
slm ama dilini bilmediğim için ne yazdığını anlayamadım kusura bakma

Traduções completas
Inglês Hello, I don’t know your language
Árabe مرحبا, انا لا اعرف لغتك
Idioma de origem
Inglês Desert lion, Desert hunter, Hawk's wing, Swift,...
(Masculine): Desert lion, Desert hunter, Hawk's wing, The swift/fast one, Brave hunter, Fast as lightning, The noble one, Thunderbolt, Shining light, Morning light, Dark knight, Flying arrow, Prince of the desert, King of the mountain, Sandstorm, etc

(Feminine): Morning star, Princess/Queen of the desert/sand dunes, Spring blossom, Sweet as a peach, Flowing silk, Gift from heaven, Sweet cream, Shining star, Bright light, The most beautiful, Huntress of the desert, etc
OK, this is a challenge, guys! I am trying to come up with creative pedigree names for desert hunting dogs (sighthounds) or arabian/morroccan/berber origin, and they must be pronouncable for ordinary westerners. The dogs' colours are sand, red sand, cream, black and brindle (tiger stripes on sand background"). They are extremely slender and elegant, and only kings and tribal chieftains were originally allowed to own them. They were used for hunting jackals, desert fox, gazelles, desert hares, etc in the desert and in the mountains. Key words are "noble", "hunter", "desert", "brave", "fast", "beautiful", "elegant", and words that are poetically descriptive of their physical appearance.

I have given some words and phrases to start with, but you are free to add anything else that you think might work.

The language I wish for is arabic (classic or North-African).

Traduções completas
Árabe اسد الصحراء, صياد الصحراء, جناح الصقر, السريع....